What’s the point in labeling your stations? We’ve got 5 of them!

Custom print labels for pest control equipment can be a valuable tool. It means the stations have your logo, company info, and whatever other information you want on them. There are many advantages to having custom-printed labels for rodent bait stations, traps, and more. Here are 5 quick ways that using a custom label can help your business.

First – advertising. There is your company’s name and contact information on the stations, so people know who is servicing the account. Other pest control companies may not approach these accounts because they know what a great job you do and can’t compete with you. Also, patrons of that account may see the labeled stations and contact you to service their site. Of course, the alternative is true: if you aren’t doing a good job, they know precisely whom to call. If you are confident in your service, it will always be good advertising to have custom labels on your stations.

Second – tracking. Say you have an account where stations keep going missing. Finding them somewhere else on the property or inside the account lets you know that they are, in fact, your stations. This is particularly helpful with new accounts that may have leftover equipment from the last service provider. It also quickly identifies what it is and to whom it belongs. Stations can get thrown away by well-meaning employees who don’t know what they are and think they are trash. Additionally, it makes it easier to record data and rodenticide use. Since all the stations are labeled, the documentation can be easily entered for each station.

Third – quick reference. If something happens to one of the stations, a label can help you find it. It could be that a landscape crew drove over your bait station with the lawn mower or a forklift crushed an interior trap. People at the account know right away whom to contact because your contact information is printed right there on the stations. They don’t have to go look for the information in a binder locked up in someone’s office. Sticking with the theme of documentation, knowing which stations were affected can be documented for audited accounts.

Fourth – identification. It is a great way to identify what is (or isn’t) in the station. Labels can be custom printed with bait types if they have traps in them and data tracking. They can be easily marked with the installation date, the last service date, and location. This is just good IPM practice, and it’s great for auditors checking the account. It also makes documenting rodenticide use easier and more consistent.

Fifth- noticeable. Depending on what type of custom labeling you put on them, it may be a little brighter, bolder, or more colorful that just a plain station. This potentially means fewer go missing from parking lots, shopping centers, office buildings, etc.

If you’ve been contemplating using a custom or private label on any of your pest control devices, it can be very beneficial. For more on generic and custom labels for your business and any other rodent information, visit us at VM Products.

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